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Charge up, save more!

Charge up, save more!

Charge up, save more!

Calling all EV owners...

There are simple steps you can take to minimise the impact of charging your car on your finances and maximise your range!

1. Home is where the charge is - Opting to install a charging point is significantly cheaper than using a public charger in the long run. Especially if you choose to switch your electricity tariff to one that’s geared towards EV owners, as they usually offer cheaper rates. If you’re leasing a fully electric car through Fleet you have the option to add a charging point to your contract and you pay for this as part of your monthly salary sacrifice.

2. Charged 80% - Did you know that your car batteries’ first 20% and last 20% take the most energy to overcome. Avoiding running your battery down past the last 20% or charging it beyond 80% full to keep costs down. Most manufacturers actually recommend you do this! As well as the benefits financially, it makes for faster charging and increases longevity. The only exceptions to this rule are cars with nickel metal hydride batteries, as these types can form a 'memory'. As such, they should be fully charged every time.

3. The car that never sleeps - Although dependent on your specific energy tariff, typically if you wait until midnight to charge your car not only is it better for the environment but it’s often cheaper too. Similar to train and flight prices, the cost is representative of the fact that this is an off-peak time. Before taking our word for it we do recommend that you speak to your provider to find out what is classed as off-peak for your specific circumstances.

4. Work smarter not harder - One of the best ways to control your car charge is by using one of the many apps that are available for electric vehicles. Now more than ever batteries and systems are more sophisticated than simply pumping in power until it’s full. This is especially helpful when using public charger units. Using a compatible app to manage your charging the smart way, and to keep your battery in the best condition possible.

Even with energy costs increasing it is still cheaper to run an electric car than a petrol or diesel vehicle. Make the switch, head to our special offers page to browse our range of EVs.