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Why you should consider leasing electric!

Why you should consider leasing electric!

Why you should consider leasing electric!

So, you’re thinking about leasing an electric car?

Well, there’s no need to be in two minds about this – switching to an EV is a fantastic decision. Let us tell you why…

1. Significant Savings - One of the biggest benefits of going electric, that you notice right away, is the savings! The cost to charge your car is much lower (and easier) than traditional fuels. When leasing an EV, you also get a reduced price in company car tax (BiK) at only 2% for the next two financial years. On top of all of this, you wouldn’t be impacted by the clean air zones that are popping up across the country, you can drive with peace of mind through cities without having to pay a fee.

2. Environment - Of course, a big one for us is the benefit that EVs have on the environment. Zero emissions mean zero pollution! Just one electric car on the roads can save an average of 1.5 million grams of CO2, that’s the equivalent of four return flights from London to Barcelona. It’s so important that we all think about ways we can be more eco-friendly and what better than to make the switch to electric? Fuelling the future!

3. Performance - Contrary to the cliche, electric cars are fundamentally superior to combustion vehicles in terms of power, torque and acceleration. On the whole, they handle better too, due to their low centre of gravity with their heavy batteries mounted in the chassis. We want our performance to nip away from the lights, safely overtake and enjoy a (responsible) brisk drive in the countryside. In all of these roles, the electric car is winning.

4. Maintenance - We call it hassle-free for a reason! A huge benefit to opting for an electric car…how easy it is the maintain. You still have your MOTs and your routine services but with an EV there are fewer parts, and fewer parts mean less that can go wrong and parts that need replacing over time. One thing that is still comparable between traditional and electric vehicles, is tyre wear. Tyres will need to be changed regularly. Not only does this mean a simpler lease for you, but it’s also cheaper (thanks to NHS Fleet Solutions including the cost of routine servicing, breakdown, windscreen, and tyre cover in your monthly cost). You can drive away with peace of mind.

5. Our special offers - Last, but certainly not lease (see what we did there😜) you can lease a new electric car via NHS Fleet Solutions for a FANTASTIC price! We have a range of EVs available on special offer that we offer exclusively to our customers. We shop the marketing looking for the best price, so you don’t have to. Thanks to our partnerships you can add an electric charging point to your order and spread the cost of this over the duration of your lease (this must be selected at the ‘review order’ stage of the ordering process).

It’s time to step up to sustainability! Love the environment? Lease electric – head to our special offers page and browse our range of vehicles.